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Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board

Raad van Toezicht Karmenta

Since its founding in late 2018 Karmenta has a supervisory board, that controls and supports the directors. This is a formal task which is obligatory for medical institutions and is described in the by-laws of the organisation. Karmenta is proud to have three amazing people in our supervisory board, with a lot of knowledge and experience in the Dutch medical field.

Dhr. P.J.J. (Peter) de Kubber, healthcare director (chairman)

Dhr. de Kubber is an experienced director in the healthcare sector, he was a member o the Directory Board of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital in ‘s-Hertogenbosch for 19 years (1992 till 2011). Dhr. de Kubber has mutiple supervisory positions in healthcare, he coaches and examines the other members of the board. Recently Dhr. de Kubber was asked by the minister of healthcare to direct the Slotervaart Hospital after it went bankrupt. 

Mw. M. (Margriet) van der Meijden, healthcare administration

Mw. van der Meijden originally started as a financial specialist (among other things as a banker at Lanschot) and has been specializing in healthcare administration of hospitals in the last few years (Beatrix hos Gorinchem, Antonius hos Nieuwegein, Leids Universitair Medical Centre and currently the Pantein hos in Boxmeer). She has an independent advice and interim management bureau for health administrations: VDM Zorg&Control. 

Mw. D.P.M. (Desiree) van Velzen, specialist medical cases

Mw. van Velzen is a uro-gynecologist and works at the Röpcke Zweers Hospital in Hardenberg. Before that she worked at the Maasziekenhuis Pantein in Boxmeer. Aside for gynecologie, she has a lot of directory experience, as a staff chairman and she has her own coaching bureau for medical specialists.


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  073 - 7200 993

We’re in the middle of Brabant and will welcome you with open arms

And coffee in the waiting room! (temporarilly out of order, excuses!) You’ll find us in the middle of Brabant, not far from ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven. A 10 minute drive from the A2, right next to a square with tons of free parking space.

Medisch Centrum Schijndel

Visiting Address

Telephone : +31-(0)73 - 7200 993
Fax : +31-(0)73 - 7200 908
e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Opening Times

  • Work days :

    08:30 - 17:30 uur

  • Lunch
    12:30 - 13:00 uur

Karmenta can be reached over the phone on all work days from 08:30 - 17:00