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Health insurers have different ways in which they handle the cost declarations from their clients. Click on the health insurers listed below to find out how your insurer does it:
Karmenta has a contract with Zilveren Kruis/Achmea from 1 January 2023. Care cost claims from Karmenta will be sent directly to Zilveren Kruis and these will then be reimbursed according to the rates in our contract. Off course, your (legally obligated) own risk applies, which Zilveren Kruis settles with you. You will not receive an invoice from Karmenta for an additional reimbursement and you do not have to apply for Karmenta's leniency arrangement.
The budget for 2023 was increased on 1 July, so that Zilveren Kruis insured persons (natura and restitution policies) can continue to receive treatment at Karmenta.
The following health insurance companies are part of the Zilveren Kruis / Achmea company: FBTO, Avéro, De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar, Zilveren Kruis (ZieZo), ProLife health insurance, OZF and Interpolis.
Zilveren Kruis / Achmea also offers a number of selective policies or budget policies. These budget policies are also under contract with Zilveren Kruis and reimbursement works the same as Zilveren Kruis' other insurance policies. (For some hospitals, on the contrary, a budget policy is not covered by the contract).
CZ includes the following insurers: Ohra, Just, Nationale Nederlanden.
CZ is a major health insurer in Noord Brabant. Most Karmenta patients are insured either with CZ or VGZ.
We unfortunately can’t send declarations directly to CZ, and they also don’t accept Aktes van Cessie. So you will get the bill yourself and you will have to declare it to your insurer. You will pay the bill to us directly, and then your insurer will compensate you. For the part of the bill that isn’t compensated (this depends on your policy) you can ask for the leniency agreement at the administration-department.
VGZ includes the following insurers: Univé, Bewuz+ Zorgverzekerd, IZZ, IZA, Zekur.nl, UMC Zorgverzekering, United Consumers C, VGZ.
VGZ is a major health insurer in Noord Brabant. Most Karmenta patients are insured either with CZ or VGZ.
The VGZ also offers a selective policy or budget policy: "ZEKUR: Gewoon Zekur". With this policy you are NOT eligible for the leniency scheme at Karmenta.
We can send the declaration directly to VGZ if you give us permission by filling in the Akte van Cessie. If you don’t give us that permission then you’ll have to declare the costs yourself. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending on your policy) you can ask administration for a leniency agreement.
So fill in the Akte of Cessie, we’ll register it in our system and we’ll take care of invoicing your insurer for you, and then we’ll receive the money directly from your insurer.
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you ('Akte van Cessie').
Menzis includes the following insurers: Anderzorg, Hema, PMA Collectiviteit and Menzis.
We unfortunately can’t send declarations directly to Menzis, and they also don’t accept Aktes van Cessie. So you will get the bill yourself and you will have to declare it to your insurer. You will pay the bill to us directly, and then your insurer will compensate you. For the part of the bill that isn’t compensated (this depends on your policy) you can ask for the leniency agreement at the administration-department.
DSW includes the following insurers: Stad Holland, In Twente Zorgverzekeraar and DSW Zorgverzekeraar.
We can send the declaration directly to DSW if you give us permission by filling in the Akte van Cessie. If you don’t give us that permission then you’ll have to declare the costs yourself. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending on your policy) you can ask administration for a leniency agreement.
So fill in the Akte of Cessie, we’ll register it in our system and we’ll take care of invoicing your insurer for you, and then we’ll receive the money directly from your insurer.
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you (Akte van Cessie)
ONVZ includes the following insurers: PNO Zorg, VVAA.
ONVZ exclusively offers restitution insurances. With that policy you will always be eligible for 100 percent coverage.
We can send the declaration directly to ONVZ if you give us permission by filling in the Akte van Cessie. If you don’t give us that permission then you’ll have to declare the costs yourself. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending on your policy) you can ask administration for a leniency agreement.
So fill in the Akte of Cessie, we’ll register it in our system and we’ll take care of invoicing your insurer for you, and then we’ll receive the money directly from your insurer.
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you (Akte van Cessie).
ASR includes the following insurers: Ditzo and De Amersfoorste.
We unfortunately can’t send declarations directly to ASR (since 2020), and they also don’t accept Aktes van Cessie. So you will get the bill yourself and you will have to declare it to your insurer. You will pay the bill to us directly, and then your insurer will compensate you. For the part of the bill that isn’t compensated (this depends on your policy) you can ask for the leniency agreement at the administration-department.
ENO includes the following insurers: Salland Zorgverzekeringen and Zorgdirect.
We can send the declaration directly to ENO if you give us permission by filling in the Akte van Cessie. If you don’t give us that permission then you’ll have to declare the costs yourself. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending on your policy) you can ask administration for a leniency agreement.
So fill in the Akte of Cessie, we’ll register it in our system and we’ll take care of invoicing your insurer for you, and then we’ll receive the money directly from your insurer.
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you (Akte van Cessie).
iptiQ includes the following insurers: Promovendum, National Academic and Besured.
We can send the declaration directly to iptiQ if you give us permission by filling in the Akte van Cessie. If you don’t give us that permission then you’ll have to declare the costs yourself. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending on your policy) you can ask administration for a leniency agreement.
So fill in the Akte of Cessie, we’ll register it in our system and we’ll take care of invoicing your insurer for you, and then we’ll receive the money directly from your insurer.
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you (Akte van Cessie).
Zorg en Zekerheid includes the following insurers: AZVZ and Zorg en Zekerheid.
We can send the declaration directly to Zorg en Zekerheid if you give us permission by filling in the Akte van Cessie. If you don’t give us that permission then you’ll have to declare the costs yourself. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending on your policy) you can ask administration for a leniency agreement.
So fill in the Akte of Cessie, we’ll register it in our system and we’ll take care of invoicing your insurer for you, and then we’ll receive the money directly from your insurer.
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you (Akte van Cessie).
Karmenta heeft met Zilveren Kruis/Achmea nog geen contract gesloten. Voor patienten met hun zorgverzekering bij deze zorgverzekeraar is Karmenta een ongecontracteerd verzekerde zorgaanbieder. Hoe de vergoeding precies werkt kan je het beste in je polisvoorwaarden nakijken. En op onze website staat natuurlijk ook veel algemene informatie over de vergoedingen. Met Karmenta's coulance-regeling kan je coulance (korting) aanvragen als er deel van Karmenta's zorgnota niet onder vergoeding valt.
Caresco biedt zorgverzekeringen aan van andere zorgverzekeraars en van hunzelf, onder de naam Caresco. Het is een kleine verzekeraar die handelt in de allervoordeligste verzekeringen met een lage maandelijkse premie, maar ook met een minimale dekking. De vergoedingen van Caresco zijn laag en onrechtmatig, vaak wordt wel 60% van Karmenta's factuur niet vergoed!
Vergoed afhankelijk van de polis 65%, 70% of 75% of nog minder van een gemiddeld ongewogen gecontracteerd tarief van het zorgproduct op Karmenta's factuur.
Zorgkostendeclaraties van Karmenta sturen wij niet rechtstreeks naar Caresco. U ontvangt de rekening dus zelf en u moet die vervolgens zelf declareren bij uw zorgverzekering. U betaalt de rekening rechtstreeks aan Karmenta, en uw zorgverzekering vergoedt u. Voor het deel van de rekening dat niet vergoed wordt (dat is afhankelijk van uw zorgverzekering) kunt u coulance aanvragen. Bent u verzekerd bij Caresco, dan moet u waarschijnlijk een deel van de factuur zelf betalen, ook nadat Karmenta u coulance heeft verleent.
Are you sure? A lot of insurance companies are subsidiaries of a bigger company, but have individual advertisements. You can find a general overview on this page. You can also check the Zorgwijzer website for an up to date overview.
Then you will receive the invoice yourself and you will be able to declare it with your insurance. For the part that is not covered by insurance (depending what insurance policy you have) you can ask for the leniency agreement at the administration-department.
If your health insurance accepts Aktes van Cessie, you may be able to give us permission to declare the care for you. Please discuss this with our administration first, or send them an email:
Click here to easily give Karmenta the power to send your declaration for you (Akte van Cessie).
Do you have any more questions? Please ask your insurance company. Healthcare providers can’t change any of this. Is your bill not fully covered by your insurance? Contact our administration for the leniency agreement. The administration will ask for proof of your insurance cover. Or send us an email:
Do you want to make all of this easier for yourself? Make sure you get a Restitution insurance policy where contractless care providers can make a payment agreement with, like Zilveren Kruis. A policy like that isn’t that much more expensive than a Natura-policy, and actually gives you the power to pick your own doctor for every treatment. You also won’t have to pay extra for other healthcare providers and you don’t have tons of paperwork and administration to deal with.
A good and independent source to check all the aforementioned information is the de Zorgwijzer, click here for the website
We have done our best to make this article complete and clear, unfortunately insurance companies often change their workflows and don’t always communicate this quickly or clearly. We try our best to keep our information up to date, but we cannot be held responsible if the information on this website isn’t not accurate (anymore). To be safe always make sure to contact your own insurance company about your policy and the conditions in it.
Version: May 2019
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And coffee in the waiting room! (temporarilly out of order, excuses!) You’ll find us in the middle of Brabant, not far from ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven. A 10 minute drive from the A2, right next to a square with tons of free parking space.
Medisch Centrum Schijndel
Steeg 6
5482 WN Schijndel
Telephone : +31-(0)73 - 7200 993
Fax : +31-(0)73 - 7200 908
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08:30 - 17:30 uur
Karmenta can be reached over the phone on all work days from 08:30 - 17:00
Karmenta - Centrum voor Gynaecologie
Steeg 6
Karmenta - Specialistische praktijk voor gynaecologie en urologie
Cereslaan 2-M