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In cooperation with sexologist and pelvic physiotherapist:
With sexological problems the full scope and cause of the problem will be looked at via an anamnesis, to determine in what way we can help you. Usually we recommend a ‘3 track policy’:
In samenwerking met seksuoloog en bekkenbodemfysiotherapeute:
Bij seksuologische problemen wordt eerst via een anamnese gekeken waar het probleem uit bestaat en hoe we u het beste kunnen helpen. Vaak is een "drie sporen beleid" angewezen:
Ter ondersteuning van het geheel verkopen wij indien nodig "pelottes", staafjes van verschillende maten, die u bij u zelf kunt inbrengen om de schede op te rekken bij vaginisme, vaginistische reacties of atrofie.
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+31(0)73 - 7200 993 |
Vrijwel alle (verzekerde zorg) behandelingen bij Karmenta worden gefactureerd met een DBC-zorgproduct. De prijs op de nota van zo'n zorgproduct heeft een prijs uit de Passantentarievenlijst. Bij verzekerde zorg dien je de factuur in bij je zorgverzekeraar voor de vergoeding. De vergoeding hangt vervolgens natuurlijk ook af van de zorgpolis die je gekozen hebt en de voorwaarden. Bel eventueel met de zorgadministratie als je vragen hebt.
In consultation with Karmenta's gynaecologist, it has been decided to operate in the operating room (OR) or the outpatient treatment room (PBK) of Karmenta.
The gynaecologist checks with the outpatient assistant when there is room on the OR program. You will be given a date on which your surgery will be scheduled. This schedule is always subject to change. In exceptional cases, the date may change. If this happens, you will of course receive a message from us. A few days before the date of the operation, the outpatient assistant will tell you exactly when you are expected. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the outpatient assistant.
We will ask you to complete a health questionnaire a few weeks before your procedure. You can easily do that online on our website, so you can do that right now. Karmenta's anesthetist will assess your completed questionnaire and, based on your answers, determine which anesthetic is best for you. Of course there is room on the online form to indicate your own preference, but the anesthetist has the last word... possibly the anesthetist or the anesthesia nurse will contact you and sometimes they will ask you for a photo of your head and neck.
Fill in the questionnaire as best you can, and be sure to indicate if you are unsure, or if you are afraid of something or if you want more information about something.
If the pre-operative screening has been assessed and the anesthesia has approved your anaesthetic, our OR assistant Cynthia will plan the operation day. She will of course also keep an eye on whether all the necessary materials have been ordered, have been delivered on time and everything else is in order for your procedure on the day of your operation. An optimal order of all patients is made during the operation day and then the time is determined at which it is your turn.
You will receive an email from our electronic patient file with the time of your procedure.
The anesthetist may see a problem with your surgery, or another problem may arise in the preparations for your surgery. It is not fair if we would schedule you for a procedure when all preparations are not 100% in order, so of course we will inform you immediately and consult with you. In principle, there are several options:
That is annoying, but we do this because it is best for your health. Then only the day of your procedure will change and we will reschedule you. You do not have to complete your pre-operative screening again, unless the anesthetist asks you to, of course.
If we cannot operate on you because we do not have the right facilities in our medical center, we will refer you to a hospital where these facilities are available. In most cases this will be a hospital in your area. We will discuss this with you and our gynecologist will discuss your situation, and your procedure, with her colleague in the hospital concerned.
On the day of your procedure or operation, you naturally kept to the agreements that were made with you in advance. You report to the Karmenta desk of the Schijndel Medical Center, at Steeg 6 in Schijndel, at the agreed time. So the same place where you went for the consultation hour. Gerard sits there and he calls the holding company in the operation complex for you to see if they are ready to prepare you for your operation. He will also record the details of the person who will collect you after your procedure in the electronic patient file. Because often you are not allowed to drive or cycle home after your procedure.
If administrative matters still need to be arranged, you can also arrange this with Gerard. You sit in the waiting room until the nurse from the holding company comes to pick you up.
The entrance to the OR complex is just behind the reception. First you can change in a room. You will be given surgery clothes to put on and the nurse will ask you who you are, when you were born and what surgery you are scheduled for (this will be done a few more times during your surgery). The nurse anesthetist will meet you and will discuss the planned anesthesia with you. Feel free to ask the questions you want to ask. The entire Karmenta team is focused on making you feel as comfortable as possible during your procedure. Do you want to play with your smartphone a bit, we have super fast WiFi if you log in to the WiFi network "MCS guest".
Ultimately, of course, you'll go to the operating room for your procedure and when you're done, they'll take you back to the recovery room to recover from your sedation. You return to the same nurses you had already met, and you can now also eat something. When you are a bit fresh again, the gynecologist will visit you to tell you how your procedure went.
You've probably already texted him or her, but otherwise we'll make sure that the person who comes to pick you up gets a signal to pick you up. You'll have to wait a while for the team to release you from their care at the operating complex. If special arrangements need to be made with you, we will tell you and we will also make sure that you have understood it correctly. You will receive a letter of discharge and often also information for aftercare after your operation. Sometimes you will be given medication, for example for pain relief during the evening and night.
Are you not feeling well at home, are you bleeding, or are you worried? Then don't hesitate and call Karmenta. Our special number for this is 073 - 7200 828
An appointment is almost always made a few days after your procedure for the follow-up check-up. The appointment card is in the folder you received after your procedure, or an e-mail has been sent to you from the electronic patient file. During the follow-up consultation you will speak with the gynecologist who operated on you and she will discuss with you how the operation went and how you have recovered afterwards. Usually she will also want to see how your wound has healed. You also discuss any complaints and how you can best refurbish.
And coffee in the waiting room! (temporarilly out of order, excuses!) You’ll find us in the middle of Brabant, not far from ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven. A 10 minute drive from the A2, right next to a square with tons of free parking space.
Medisch Centrum Schijndel
Steeg 6
5482 WN Schijndel
Telephone : +31-(0)73 - 7200 993
Fax : +31-(0)73 - 7200 908
e-mail :
08:30 - 17:30 uur
Karmenta can be reached over the phone on all work days from 08:30 - 17:00
Karmenta - Centrum voor Gynaecologie
Steeg 6
Karmenta - Specialistische praktijk voor gynaecologie en urologie
Cereslaan 2-M